Reference Other Files

Toolproof allows you to reference another file and embed its steps.

To reference another file, use the ref key with a relative path to the target file.

If we have a file at tests/simple.toolproof.yml containing:

name: Simple Test

  - step: I have a "config.js" file with the content {js}
    js: |-
      console.log("hello world");      
  - stdout should contain "hello"

Then a file at tests/nested/simple-plus.toolproof.yml could contain:

name: Simple Plus More

  - ref: ../simple.toolproof.yml
  - snapshot: stderr

This will embed the steps from the referenced file into this file.

If we didn’t want our original tests/simple.toolproof.yml file to run as a standalone test, we can also tell toolproof that this file is a reference:

name: Simple Setup
type: reference

  - step: I have a "config.js" file with the content {js}
    js: |-
      console.log("hello world");      

Toolproof will avoid running this file on its own, but will run the steps if they’re embedded into another file.